Defective Products and Consumer Safety: Urgent Need for Action

Consumer safety should be a top priority for manufacturers and regulatory bodies. However, a recent report by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group Education Fund sheds light on the flaws within the current system that hinder the protection of consumers from dangerous products. In this blog post, we will explore the findings of the report and emphasize the importance of taking action to safeguard consumers from defective products.

The Challenges Faced by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC):

The report highlights the limitations faced by the CPSC, which is responsible for ensuring consumer product safety. Insufficient budgetary resources and a lack of authority to issue immediate recalls or warnings without manufacturer consent impede the CPSC’s effectiveness in protecting consumers. Additionally, manufacturers often remain silent about recalls, failing to adequately inform the public about the risks associated with their products.

Lingering Dangers: Defective Products on the Market:

The report reveals a disturbing trend where defective products continue to be available for purchase long after the dangers have been identified. Through an analysis of recalled products and consumer complaints, it becomes evident that companies delay or neglect to address potential hazards. This negligence puts consumers at risk of injuries, fires, and other dangerous incidents.

Inadequate Reporting and False Assurances:

The report highlights discrepancies between incident reports submitted to, the CPSC’s consumer reporting website, and the public data collected by the CPSC. Numerous incidents and injuries are not properly accounted for, potentially providing consumers with a false sense of security. The lack of comprehensive reporting undermines consumer trust and hampers their ability to make informed purchasing decisions.

The “Gag Rule” and the Need for Reforms:

Section 6(b) of the current federal law restricts the CPSC from disclosing derogatory information about a company without waiting 15 days after notifying them. This provision, commonly referred to as the “gag rule,” limits the CPSC’s ability to promptly inform the public about potential hazards. Consumer advocates and some CPSC commissioners are calling for the repeal of this provision to empower the agency to protect consumers effectively.

Taking Action for Consumer Protection:

It is crucial for Congress, manufacturers, and consumers to take immediate action to enhance consumer safety. The following steps can help address the existing flaws in the system:

a. Strengthen CPSC’s Authority: Congress should provide the CPSC with the necessary resources and the authority to issue timely recalls and warnings without undue restrictions.

b. Increase Transparency and Accountability: Manufacturers must be held accountable for their products. Companies should proactively inform consumers about recalls through various channels, including TV ads, social media, and their websites.

c. Reform Reporting Mechanisms: The CPSC’s consumer reporting website,, should be improved to provide comprehensive and easily accessible information about incidents and recalls. Consumers should have confidence that their reports are accurately recorded and that they can access crucial information to protect themselves and their families.

d. Advocate for Legislative Reforms: Consumer advocacy groups and concerned individuals should urge lawmakers to support legislative reforms that prioritize consumer safety. Repealing the “gag rule” and granting the CPSC the authority to act swiftly in protecting consumers are essential steps towards a safer marketplace.


The findings of the report emphasize the urgent need for action to address the flaws in the current system of product safety regulation. Manufacturers, regulatory bodies like the CPSC, and Congress must work collaboratively to ensure consumer safety by providing adequate resources, enhancing transparency, and empowering the CPSC to take swift action. Additionally, consumers must stay informed, report incidents, and advocate for their rights as they play a crucial role in driving change. By prioritizing consumer safety, we can create a marketplace where dangerous products are swiftly identified and removed, protecting individuals and families from unnecessary harm. If you or a loved one have been injured by a defective or recalled product, contact OnderLaw today for your free, no-obligation consultation.